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What kind of platform is smart water cloud?


●Platform value: use GIS technology to integrate the information of the Earth and Zhouyuan branch and the underground space into the management system. Use three-dimensional connection technology to display the underground lines in detail, realize the visual management of the basic education resources of the pipe network, and comprehensively use wired LoRa wireless, carrier, NB-1OT and other communication technologies to realize the network operation and management of the equipment; terminal intelligent equipment Upload operating data through the network to realize the effective coordination of all subsystems in data management. 1 Reflect the professionalization of water management.

● Data monitoring and deep collection: using 3G/4G/5G network technology to break "information islands" from water sources, water intakes, production water plants, pumping stations, network drainage: to achieve various sensing equipment (water quality, pressure, etc.) , Liu San and other data are dynamically collected, and online monitoring of pipeline network information, pump station operation status, etc.

●Expand application: The secondary development platform provides open services for smart water. According to the functional requirements, business needs, and project requirements of users in the process of use, the secondary development platform is used to expand on the basis of the existing platform data and functions, and support Successful projects and mature products are connected to the system to support data exchange with third-party systems.

●Data sharing and analysis: The data center uses data as a link to connect various application systems. The core task is to achieve data standardization, improve data quality, and standardize data exchange and collaboration mechanisms between systems. After centralizing various system data sources Form the complete data assets of the enterprise and serve as a unified data source for management decision analysis applications. Through the data center, each application system can achieve system integration, resource integration and information sharing in the data center, providing a standardized, complete and consistent data source for each intelligent application and enterprise portal integration.

●Intelligent docking and integration: Smart Water is a business-oriented infrastructure application platform. The application platform constructs the interconnection channels of various business systems of Smart Water. It can be well integrated. Provides a management platform that can change with business needs, solves the long construction period of the water company platform, participates in the "information baggage of customized software caused by many families and isolated software, and realizes the interconnection between different platforms."

●Smart application: The platform adopts "light application" architecture technology to solve the problem that the system cannot be upgraded due to changes in business requirements, and deploys smart production, smart pipe network, smart scheduling, smart revenue, smart service, and smart office systems as "light applications" . Realizing the rapid upgrade of business modules not only realizes the distribution, scheduling and management of operational content, but also provides business access and business operations. The platform provides users with unified access and unified authentication services, and realizes the self-hematopoiesis and long-term management mechanism of water management by charging for the usage of different users.

Large scale intelligent water cloud platform
