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How to avoid the integration of "information island"?
  • UpdateTime: 2019-10-16
  • Hits: 4341
Due to the difficulty of construction and long period, Ziduo water company generally has monitoring products from many different manufacturers, such as pipe network pressure monitoring system, pump station transportation monitoring system, zoning metering management system, etc. many information systems form their own ……
  • 16
    Due to the difficulty of construction and long period, Ziduo water company generally has monitoring products from many different manufacturers, such as pipe network pressure monitoring system, pump station transportation monitoring system, zoning metering management system, etc. many information systems form their own ……
    How to avoid the integration of "information island"?
  • 16
    The water department business charging management system is a set of customer management, meter management (mechanical meters, IC card meters, remote meters, large-diameter meters), financial management, meter reading and settlement, and charging management (IC card charges, cash charges, bank Collection, mobile paymen……
    What kind of system is the water department's business charging platform?
  • 16
    ●Platform value: use GIS technology to integrate the information of the Earth and Zhouyuan branch and the underground space into the management system. Use thre……
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